Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow/ Ice Day!

After a crazy night of thunderstorm followed by freezing temps Plano ISD finally canceled school today at about 5:30 this morning. Praise the Lord! Love having surprise days off. Unfortunately it means working an extra day at the end of the year but oh well. One of the benefits of working at Trinity, a private school, was that we didn't have to make up the days we missed. I didn't sleep in this morning but had a relaxing day. I finally got the chance to see my friend Colleen on the local news reporting on the weather. We were ADPi's at Tech together but I hadn't had a chance to see her on TV yet since she is normally on when I am at work. It was pretty entertaining.
Meredith's 29th birthday and Nolan and Barrett's first birthday are in the next few weeks. I decided to make them a scrapbook of their first year of life for their present. I printed all the pictures (there were too many great pics to choose from) and put the scrapbook together on Sunday. It turned out great. I braved the icy roads today to mail some packages, scrapbook included, so I hope it makes it in time for everyone to look at during the boys birthday part. Not sure why, but I love making scrapbooks, as long as they are not for me. I've made multiple in my life, none of which were for me.

So this is what Adam made this weekend. We like to call it the "Trifecta Diponator". He bought these three mini skillets at a flea market awhile ago and has been trying to decide what to do with them. I suggested we hang them on the wall, he had other plans. This idea came to him on Sunday morning and by Sunday afternoon it came to fruition. I have no idea how/why he made this but he is super excited about it. We will see if it ever gets used. If you would like a "Trifecta Diponator" of your own, let me know, he is taking orders.
We also went back to our favorite antique mall and look what Adam found. A $20 bull skull. How could you pass that up right? Any suggestions on where it should go?

Temps aren't supposed to get above freezing until late Thursday so I am not convinced we will have school tomorrow based on how much ice is still on the roads. We we see! Adam's dad and uncle are coming into town for the Super Bowl (they bought tickets to the game last week) so another day off to get some stuff done would be great!

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