Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Inch X Inch

Inch by inch, row by row
Gonna make this garden grow
All it takes is a rake and a hoe
And a piece of fertile ground
Inch by inch, row by row,
Lord bless these seeds I sow
Lord warm them from below
'Til the rain comes tumbling down...

After being at the farm all week and helping my parents get ready to plan their garden, I could not wait to get home and plant my own. Luckily Adam was on board (I don't think I could have done it without him) and first thing Sunday morning we headed to Home Depot. I wanted to do raised bed square foot gardening and had attempted to last year. I worked so hard at growing my little seed and then planted the small plants outside and within a week they were all eaten by rabbits. It was a very sad sad day for me. But I was very motivated this year and knew that Adam could help me rig something up to keep the critters out.

At Home Depot we went plant crazy. We bought grape tomatoes, early girl tomatoes, yellow pear tomatoes, allstar strawberries, yellow bell peppers, orange bell peppers, jalepeno peppers, salsa peppers, watermelon, yellow squash, texas onions and another type of strawberry I can't remember now. We also bought some seeds: corn, sunflowers, pumpkin, yellow squash and catnip. I planted those in small pea pots and we will see how they work out.
And I had to get some herbs. I ended up choosing basil, cilantro, flat leaf parsley, rosemary and Adam wanted some mint for mojitos. The final things we needed were some chicken wire (to keep out the critters), vegetable plant food and Adam bought some chemicals to attempt to treat the yard that is overrun with weeds.

Thankfully Adam had enough wood leftover from the bed to build the raised bed for the garden. He made an 8' X 3' bed out of cedar. While he was working on that I planted the herbs where the people who owned the house before use had planted theirs. They left us a stand that holds multiple pots and it turned out nicely.
Before we could set up the garden we had to rip up the grass and loosen the dirt about 6'' deep. That was not easy but we did it. We then placed the bed and filled it will the vegetable garden dirt we bought. I mixed in some vegetable plant feed and we were ready to go. I had seen on other square foot gardens where people use twine to make a grid in the planter, thought it was a good idea and so we did the same. Most of the plants we bought needed 12''-18'' so I ended up putting a plant in each square foot and had 3 empty squares after everything was planted. I left the empty squares next to the watermelons and squash since hopefully the vines will run. After the planting was complete Adam stapled the chicken wire around the bed, I watered everything and 8 hours later, we have a vegetable garden!
I have watered it everyday since in hopes to keep the dirt in the box (it has been super windy) and get the roots to settle in. Here are a few pictures of my current pride and joy.
The whole time I was working outside I had the song I copied at the top of this post in my head. At Trinity, our sweet 3 and 4 year olds would sing this song in music class and it ended up being heard around school frequently. I love it and really loved hearing their sweet voices sing it. Hopefully the plants heard it and will obey! ha! Adam and I also ended up with some legit farmers' burns after the hours we spent out in the hot sun, the first burn of many to come in 2011.

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