Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I have always really enjoyed being creative. Taking pictures, sewing, crocheting, painting, scrapbooking, drawing, etc., while I am not overly talented in any of these areas, they have be the source of much pleasure in my life. I love learning to make things and finding ways to use my creativity to change things up. My goal for this website/blog is to showcase things I make. I am hoping, through Discipline 2011, to purchase a sewing machine and use the next few months to teach myself to sew. I have lots of ideas in my head of things I want to make and I hope that with a sewing machine and some practice I can bring them to life.

One of my favorite stores is Paper Source. They have such pretty things and their slogan is "Do something creative everyday". I LOVE THAT. I think that should be everyone's goal for 2011. I know it is one of mine. Being creative is so good for us and it can come out in so many ways. I like making artsy crafty things but you could be creative through cooking, organizing, writing, planning, dressing, communicating, ANYTHING! Just be creative. A great thing about being creative, that goes right along with discipline 2011, is that it doesn't need to be expensive. Actually being creative with what you have, not what you buy is awesome. Reinventing things that have been sitting around and you have gotten sick of looking at can be so refreshing.

Anyways, my goal is to be more creative. I know I don't have to buy a sewing machine to do that, but I really want one. HA! Once my money is more disciplined, I will make that happen. Here is a photo of what Adam and I did this weekend to be creative. I think it (the two floral arrangements, both will not be staying on the mantel) turned out great. Can you tell which one is mine and which is his? We have had an ongoing debate about who did better. What do you think?

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