Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Next Project

While my parents were in town we went to our favorite antique mall. It's not Adam's favorite because it doesn't have enough junk, but I love it! They have some of the most beautiful things and every time I go I add things to my list of what I'm going to make next. This time I saw some awesome burlap drapes that had fleur de lis lightly stenciled on them. I came home and googled how to make them and they look so easy and cheap (they have also been featured in Pottery Barn for who knows how much)! No sewing necessary, so they don't help my cause for wanting a sewing machine. I want to put them on every window, which I know will be over kill, so I'm debating on where to start. Here is a picture curtosey of a new blog I discovered with out the stenciling. Maybe I will tackle the first set this weekend....

I also found out that my dad has a bunch of old windows at the farm. I am hoping to bring some back this summer and turn them into mirrors, frames and put chicken wire behind one to hang things on with clothespins. Endless possibilities with old windows! Who knows what else I will find at the farm.

Mom found some kid sized picnic tables that she is hoping to get or build for the farm. They were so sweet and I can just see all the little one's using them to eat lunch on the farm at Mimi's.

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